I am 76 years old now and while I am not ready to ride off into the sunset, I am busy polishing my spurs. I am only working part of the year and the range of inventory will be limited by what is possible with a reduced staff and schedule. Unfortunately I can no longer provide the service of an on-line storekeeper selling the odd string or two. I would like to concentrate my energies towards filling orders for my wholesale customers and in this way reach a larger number of musicians. I also feel my experience is best utilized when I am asked to make an entire set of strings, but even in this instance please understand that you may have to wait patiently until I can complete your order. With this in mind those of you who simply need a couple of upper strings from time to time, I suggest you ask a store to carry them for you. At the moment in the US the only representation we have is the Boulder Early Music Shop in Eugene OR. In Europe there are many shops that carry my strings. I continue to enjoy making strings, and intend to make strings as long as I am able, but there are limits to how much work I can do.

Perhaps the time has come for a change in direction. I learned the basics of the craft of making gut strings in the Rhone valley, where for many years I had a business relationship and friendship with M. Phillipe Lenoble who was the owner of SOFRACOB SA. When he decided to close his doors he agreed to help me start my own operation in the US. Over the years I have evolved my own methods and even when I began to slow down my own activities I continued to innovate my processes so that basically one person could carry through a production of strings. But usually I had one or two helpers. My goal as always was to maintain the artisan perspective in the context of an activity that is essentially industrial in nature.

There may be existing companies as well as individuals who may want to build on their knowledge, who could benefit from my many years of experience in the field. Depending on the situation and my availability, I am prepared to offer my help to you in a way that works for both parties. I would like nothing better than to find a role for myself that enables me to help improve the general quality of gut strings available to musicians throughout the world. Contact me here.

Damian Dlugolecki - String Maker
updated March 7, 2025

Questions? Ready to order?
e-mail damian@damianstrings.com
phone: (503) 669-7966

Violin family
Special Instruments
Violas da Gamba
Violin Pardessus Viol Treble Viol
Viola Viola Pomposa Tenor Viol
Cello Piccolo cello Bass Viol
Double Bass Basse de violon Violone
Piccolo Violin Lute Fret Gut
  Classical Guitar  
  Viola d'amore  

All prices effective January 16, 2023
String Gauge Converter
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Copyright © DamianDlugolecki, 1997-2025. All rights reserved